Monday, November 14, 2011

Goodwill Outlet=Awesome

My family(aka my mom and my sister(aka the thrift store lovers)) have discovered a place by my house called Goodwill Outlet. The outlet is where all of the items that don't sell in a week or two at the normal Goodwill stores go. At the outlet, everything (except furniture) is sold by weight. Everything is in big blue bins, and they honestly have everything. The bins are organized into sections, so there are bins for clothes, shoes and accessories,housewares, etc.

In the clothes bins, there are baby clothes, kids clothes and adult clothes all mixed together. You have to dig through everything to find what you're looking for. If you are willing to do that though, you can get a lot of stuff for really cheap. Clothes are $1.49 a pound, and baby clothes are pretty little and light. Because of this, I was able to get a lot of baby clothes for really cheap. I got 15 long sleeved onesies, 5 short sleeved onesies, 6 jackets, 2 hats, and 3 sleepsacks for $11. That's 29 pieces of baby clothes for just over $10. It took me half an hour to go through all of the bins, and I got a bunch of stuff that is going to help several people. =D

If you want to help out the baby bank cause and don't want to spend a lot of money, the Goodwill Outlet is a great place to get baby items to help.

Monday, November 7, 2011

It all starts with an idea

I am a very blessed woman. I have a wonderful husband who loves me, a precious and healthy daughter, and everything I need. Having a baby is expensive. Especially when you are formula feeding and not breast feeding. We honestly would not be able to take care of Linnea as well as we do, without all of the help we have received from others.

We don't make a lot of money. I am not ashamed to say that. But we are COMPLETELY BLESSED. God takes care of us. When we found out I was pregnant, we started worrying how we were going to pay for clothes, diapers, and whatever other expenses we would encounter. Family, friends, and even someone we don't know, blessed us by giving us clothes their children had outgrown, bottles that their children were too big for, and several other items. Without their help, we would be struggling to keep Linnea warm enough this winter. But, thanks to their generosity, we are completely set. =)

Babies grow amazingly quickly. Linnea is 3 months old, and already growing out of 3-6 month sized clothing. As I was cleaning out her closet of the clothes she's outgrown, and the toys she doesn't care for( like the mobile I bought) I started wondering how I could use these to help others. This is how the idea of the baby bank was born.

My idea for the baby bank is to once a month (for now) have a place where families who need help can come and get some items for their baby/ toddler. I was thinking clothes, toys, and even bigger ticket items like cribs or bassinets. They wouldn't have to pay anything. Pretty much, I want to grow this into a food bank like place.

I currently have 2 boxes of clothes, toys,and other baby items sitting in Linnea's closet. I can't help very many people with that. I need help from my community to get this started. If you have any gently used baby items that you don't need anymore, please think about donating them. We can use pretty much everything. If you can't donate, there are still things you can do to help. You can spread the word to other people. You can also pray for us. Pray for provision, and opportunities to bless people.

Check back here often to see how we're growing.
Thanks for your support and God bless. =)